domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

XVI Coloquio Venezolano de Polímeros (CVP2016)

Estimados miembros de ASOVENP y Comunidad ligada a los Materiales Polímeros:

La Asociación Venezolana de Polímeros y la Universidad de Oriente tienen el gusto de invitarlos a participar en el XVI Coloquio Venezolano de Polímeros (CVP), el cual se efectuara en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina y Ciencias Aplicadas “Dra. Susan Tai (IIBCAUDO) en la Ciudad de Cumaná del 25 al 27 de Mayo de 2016, con la participación de conferencistas internacionales (vía videoconferecias) y nacionales de gran prestigio.

Además le recordamos a los Miembros Inactivos de ASOVENP que hagan el Pago de la Cuota de Afiliación recordándoles que la membresía es anual y que su colaboración nos ayudara con el desarrollo del Coloquio.

Blanca Rojas de Gascue
Coordinadora XVI CVP 2016
Tesorera ASOVENP

sábado, 2 de enero de 2016

XV Simposio Latinoamericano de Polímeros and XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Polímeros (SLAP2016)

Dear, Colleagues:

We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming edition of the XV Simposio Latinoamericano de Polímeros and XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Polímeros: SLAP2016, which will be held in Cancún-Riviera Maya, México (October 23rd -28th, 2016) together with XXIX Congreso Nacional de la S.P.M.

As in the previous meetings, the purpose is to provide a platform for professionals and students to exchange state-of-the-art research and development and identify research needs and opportunities in emerging fields of Polymer Science and Engineering.
This time, the meeting will be organized by the Mexican Polymer Society (Sociedad Polimérica de México, SPM), with the collaboration of academic institutions and Research Centers of Mexico. A committee nominated by the Mexican Polymer Society, SPM, will organize these Congress events under the chair of Prof. Antonio Martínez-Richa from University of Guanajuato and Prof. Angel Licea-Claverie from the Tech Institute of Tijuana.

The important dates for participation are:
April, 4th – begin of registrations and submissions.
May, 30th – last day for submissions (Abstract submission deadline).
July, 30th – decision on submissions acceptance (Notification letters).
August, 18th – deadline for registration payment with discount (early bird registration).

The Meeting will include Symposia in the following topics:
1.-Nanotechnology and Polymers: Block copolymers for self-assembly, polymeric nanoparticles, polymeric nanofibers, polymer coated/functionalized nanoparticles and carbon derivatives (graphene, graphene oxide, nanotubes, etc.)
2.-Polymers and the environment: Polymers from renewable resources, remediation, recycling.
3.-Polymers for tissue engineering and biomaterials
4.-Stimuli-responsive polymers for medicine: Drug delivery systems, smart coatings, responsive biomaterials, polymers in theranostics, etc.
5.-Polymer composites and nanocomposites
6.-Polymer engineering, processing and rheology
7.-Polymeric membranes and their applications
8.-Modern synthetic methods of polymers: Living polymerization, controlled radical polymerization, estereoregular polymers, frontal polymerization, sonochemical methods, etc.
9.- Modern Methods of Analysis and Characterization of Polymers and Theoretical studies.
10.-General topics on polymers
We look forward to receiving your contributions and to hosting you in Cancun-Riviera Maya.

Soon, we will have more detailed information of this event and it will be posted in the official website at: Sociedad Polimerica de México.