miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

First ICTP-IVIC Latin-American Advanced Workshop on Numerical, Instrumentation and Measurement Methods in Fluid Dynamics

The Workshop will address fundamental aspects, recent advances, and applications of numerical and experimental methods in fluid dynamics. It will focus on advanced instrumentation, measurement concepts, and scientific fundamentals that enable new methods and applications of instrumentation in this field to train physicists, engineers and computer scientists from Latin-American and Caribbean countries. The scope of the course is to promote new experimental methods, instruments, measurement techniques, and data analysis routines for both laboratory and industrial applications as well as to coordinate international activities in this area. By focusing on theory and applications, the workshop will also provide an interesting intersection of emerging development of methods as well as a unique opportunity to learn about recent theoretical advances in the field including analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches. The lectures will focus on a variety of topics from fundamental fluid dynamics to micro- and nano-fluidic applications to multiphase flows, measurement of the Soret coefficients, thermocavitation, optical manipulation, heavy oil production and transportation, self-mixing sensor for fluid-flow mapping, experimental and computational issues of granular flows, and numerical simulations of fluid-dynamic systems using SPH. 
It is also expected to stimulate collaborations among Latin-American and Caribbean scientific communities for the production of projects and other initiatives which will enhance the availability of public domain technical resources especially for research and education in developing countries. 

Main topics 
1. Basics in microfluidic device fabrication, and how to make it simple (Oscar Martinez);
2. Numerical simulations of fluid-dynamic systems using SPH and other methods (Jaime Klapp);
3. Thermal convection at high Rayleigh and Taylor numbers (Joseph Niemela);
4. Experimental investigation of thermal diffusion in binary fluid mixtures using thermal lens spectroscopy (Mladen Franko);
5. The fluid dynamics of vortex formation in coalesced drops (José R. Castrejón-Pita);
6. Diffuse-interface modeling of liquid-vapor phase separation in droplets (Leonardo Sigalotti and Jaime Klapp);
7. Physical principle and applications of self-mixing effect. An overview of self-mixing sensing applications in fluids. Flow profile measurements in micro-channels using the optical feedback interferometer sensing technique. (Tierry Bosch);
8. Fatigue life and dynamic behavior of submarine pipelines subjected to slug flow and vortex-induced vibrations (Armando Blanco;
9. Experimental and computational issues of granular flows (Leonardo Trujillo);
10. Measurements of Statistical and Dynamical Forces in Silos. Infrared Thermography for Thermo-Fluid-Dynamics in Fractured and Homogeneous Porous Media (Abraham Medina and Abel López;
11. Flow in microchannels (Luis Rojas-Solórzano);
12. Multiphase flow issues for selection of heavy-oil transportation methods (Adriana Brito;
13. Generation of vortices, turbulence and thermodynamics of an atomic trapped superfluid (Vanderlei Bagnato);
14. On the use of thermal wave methods for characterization of nanofluids (Ernesto Marín Moares);
15. Vorticity in a periodic forced flow (Gerardo Ruíz Chavarría):
16. ABACUS-CINVESTAV a Strategic Supercomputer Center for Research in Mexico (Isidoro Gitler).
17. Solar granulation and their impact on chemical abundances (Claudio Mendoza. 

Tentative Speakers: 
1. Jaime Klapp, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares and Cinvestav-Abacus, Mexico; 
2. Joseph J. Niemela, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy; 
3. Vanderlei Bagnato, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil; 
4. Ernesto Marín Moares, Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología Aplicada, IPN, México; 
5. Mladen Franko, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia; 
6. José R. Castrejón-Pita, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; 
7. Oscar Martinez, UBA, Argentina; 
8. Leonardo Trujillo, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Venezuela; 
9. Abraham Medina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico; 
10. Abel López, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico; 
11. Luis Ponce, IPN, Tampico, Mexico; 
12. Adriana Brito, Intevep-PDVSA, Venezuela; 
13. Armando Blanco, Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB), Venezuela; 
14. Luis Rojas-Solórzano, Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB), Venezuela; 
15. Gerardo Ruíz Chavarría, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM; 
16. Isidoro Gitler, Cinvestav-Abacus 
17. Claudio Mendoza, Centro de Física, IVIC  

Co-sponsors and partner organizations:
• International Centre for Theoretical Physics, ICTP, Italy.
• Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, IVIC, B. R. Venezuela
• Latin-American Center for Physics (CLAF).
• National Institute for Nuclear Research, ININ, Mexico.
• Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología FONACIT, B.R. Venezuela.
• Intevep-PDVSA, Venezuela.
• Cinvestav-ABACUS, Mexico.
• Venezuelan Society of Fluid Mechanics (SVMF)
• Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco. 

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